Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I memorized the Hare Hare Yukai dance completely! ;D On my 3rd day since starting to watch that super-awesome learning vid. ^^

I don't think I learned the dance so fast because I'm a good dancer though. I think it's because of the vid I watched, or because I pick things up fast and I have a good memory, or all of the above. Not that I'm a good dancer. Because when I'm dancing and try looking in the mirror (it's on the side wall of where I'm facing when I do the dance), my moves just look plain stupid. So yeah.

Learning/practicing the Hare Hare Yukai is a good work-out. I suggest (since this article thing says that teens need at least 1 hour of physical exercise [maybe it said outside, but w/e] every day) watching the learning vid 12 times so it equals to about an hour a day. Or you can cut it up so it's like watching the vid 4 times in the morning, afternoon, and then night.

Seriously, it helps! ^^ XD But if you have a wooden floor at your house or at least in the room that has your computer so you can watch the vid and dance along, I suggest not going down too quickly to kneel at the ending of the song. You'll end up getting a bruise on your left knee like I did. ;_; But you kinda havta learn how to go kneel quickly and safely or else you wouldn't be in sync with Haruhi, Yuki, and Mikuru in the vid and it would just look...weird. x-x

Here's the link for the super awesome learning vid if you guys wanna learn. It's mirrored, so if it looks like the characters are moving to the right, then you're supposed to move to the right too! ^^ So it's not confusing and you have to worry about "Oh, it looks like she's moving to the left, but Yuki's actually moving to HER right" and all that stuff. x-x

Ok no more stalling, here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mIV1fdtAXE

There ya go. Enjoy~ <3 Oh, and btw, THANK GOD FOR NO PITCH CHANGE IN THAT LEARNING VID OR ELSE I'D HAVE TO DEAL WITH A CREEPY VOICE!!! TwT Cuz when you slow down the song with Haruhi's girl voice, it turns it into this slow-mo creepy dude voice.


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