Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I figured that I wouldn't be able to cosplay and go to an Anime Convention, but there is a slight possibility that I could go to Little Tokyo and while exploring and all that stuff, cosplay. Hopefully with friends because being alone x-x

Ok so I figured... if I do cosplay, I'll cosplay Ryoma! ...Wearing a Rikkai jacket, and Seigaku shirt inside. XP I'm planning to have a home-made Rikkai jacket (LOL) since everything else besides the jacket will be Seigaku, and the Rikkai jacket can't be sold separately, only in a set with the rest of the Rikkai uniform. So, I'm hoping to buy a Ryoma hat that's 9 bucks, and then a Seigaku shirt with the shorts which is 39 bucks. Together, that's 48 bucks and that can be covered by last year's Christmas money. XP

I'll need yellow and black paint to paint this jacket of mine that I don't wear anymore and for the logo thing on the jacket, I'll just use construction paper and glue it. I'll write in block-ish letters or w/e style "Rikkai" is written as and then FTW (credit goes to Mirr0 XP) and cut it out. And then use red marker to outline the letters. Hehe~

So then on the 30th (since Halloween's on the weekend) at school, I'll dress up as Ryoma! I'm pretty sure they'll allow the jacket XP. They don't allow hats though, so... =( And I'll probably wear the costume to my friends' parties and stuff... Only A***** will get it though since she's the only friend I have that knows PoT.

Even if I won't be able to go to Little Tokyo either (if I do I can do the Hare Hare Yukai dance and show my friend in an empty place lol XP), then I'll just try to wear the costume as much as I can. I don't care if those bullies at school laugh at me or anything, I'm proud to be Ryoma~! :D ...Mostly.

I'll cut my hair in a Yuki (from Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)-style so it's still a girl-cut, but short enough so it can look like a guy's hair too. =] I'm too used to having shorter hair anyway, so it should be fine. I might have to print out a pic of Yuki and show that to the person who cuts my hair since I dunno how to describe it well enough to her... >.> Gawsh, that'd be embarrassing, but worth it. Yuki's hair is awesome! :D

Like the new layout? Hope so. New songs in the playlist too, btw~. <3

That's Yuki in case you don't know~


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