Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Updates: SFC #3

What's coming up, hopefully soon: KS #9 and MMD?PW #25 (FINAL)

I worked on SFC #3 for about 2 1/2 hours today, and I have to say, I'm pretty proud of it! So check it out, it's posted! <3 I tried working on it yesterday, couldn't bring myself to do so, sadly, but then today, I really felt like typing it! :D Although I kinda got cut off since I had to visit an aunt that recently got out of the hospital...don't really know her well, so it was kinda awkward. Took a long time to get there, we only stayed there for a lil, and then when we came back, I immediately went to work on SFC #3 again. ^^ Then I had to shower (another interruption -_-), but then after that I continued, so now it's posted! CHYES!

Um, I already got an idea for #9 (whoo~ on a roll), so I'll get started on that tomorrow. Why tomorrow and right after posting SFC #3? I needa work on my Japanese...doing Katakana right now and it's harder than Hiragana, to me anyways. I'll try working on #9 tomorrow, hopefully I'll have this full feeling (I dunno how to describe it) so I can work hard on it like I did for SFC #3.

Like I said in the beginning AN of SFC #3, the first person who messages me or comments on one of my story/updates-related blog posts (a nice comment/message, of course) will be given an OC character form to fill out so they will be in the story. They will only have a short appearance in #4 though, but will show up more in the following chapters.

MMD?PW #25 (FINAL)? Well, I'm hoping that I'll get it out before school starts for me on Sept. 8. It would be troublesome for me to try to work on a chapter of a story I don't really have motivation for during school year.

Oh! Just remembered, for KS, I'm not doing that special chapter thing with messages, sorry. After finishing up stories I'm currently working on, I'd like to just relax and worry about school stuff (hopefully not worrying too much) and maybe post occasional drabbles. Maybe a one-shot too, not sure.

I think I might post a Hibari drabble today or tomorrow...I got an idea, and I don't want to turn away from it. If I do, please rate nicely~. Meaning 3 stars or more. ^^ Um, that's it for now, gotta eat~. <3

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