Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hanging Out

Ok so today, I was able to hang out with a friend from 6th grade, at a school that I was only able to stay for 1 year at. And it was pretty awesome even though it had been only 1 hour and 15 minutes or something like that...

At first, we went to Yogurtland, and da~mn, now I know why she's always saying about how the yogurt there is so awesome, etc etc. xP

And after that we went into the Kinokuniya Bookstore, which has awesome stuff and all...it's just really expensive. I tried looking for some KHR stuff, at first I thought I didn't find anything, but then!


I saw the Vongola Guardians decorated small notebook...thingies. :D So there were Yamamoto, Chrome, Tsuna, Mukuro, and Hibari notebooks.No Gokudera, but no offense he's not really a favorite character of mine anyways, but that is messed up.

There was also this Shugo Chara book thing, with an awesome front and back cover, and inside the book at the back there's stickers for Amu and her charas and Yoru too. But other than that, it's just blank pages so... >.>

Then there's manga for like Prince of Tennis, Black Cat, Death Note, Bleach, Gin Tama, etc etc. And these really cool decorated folders/binders but yeah. There were a few books for learning Japanese, but there's already a free online Japanese "textbook" so I didn't think I would need to get them.

THERE WAS A W-INDS. MEGA MIX CD TOO!!! I just needed 5 more bucks, but then I was like, "Eh... T___T". When I thought harder about it though, I could just listen to them for free on my computer anyways, so... plus, I don't have a CD player so I could listen to them when I go out... Doesn't really matter then. But geez, w-inds.'s most expensive CD at Kinokuniya Bookstore was like 40 something bucks. Geez.

That was so awesome......but it only lasted for a bit... =/

I'm so lucky that we have those kinda stories in Cali though. So... =]]]]]]]

Monday, August 24, 2009


Ok, so yesterday at like 7:30-8:30 AM I went on the computer because after that I would be forced to go to Disneyland, but anyway...

During that time I posted a Bel Drabble Collection, full of 3 Bel drabbles and Bel abuse. Dx Wahhh~ I feel bad about it, so just kill me online-wise. XD And then I also posted a FonxOCxHibari drabble too. But I think it was super-boring and crap. But others said otherwise, since it's rated 5 stars. Lol.

And then I had to go to Disneyland for the rest of the day, to like midnight seriously. The only thing I liked about it was the show and fireworks at the end. I didn't like the other stuff since I was forced to go on fricking rides I don't like. The teacups weren't fun either since my 2 crazy friends weren't there to make it super spinny. XD

I was forced to go with relatives, by the way, so yeah...and I was the only teen in the group. I liked the "It's a Small World" ride though since it was super calm and the music was awesome. Lol. I can't help it, it was awesome singing and instruments playing. IT'S MUSIC!!! ;D

The "It's a Small World" tune and the "A Pirate's Life for Me" tune both were ringing through my head a lot that day......

I'll be trying to get MMD?PW final out soon, and I'm hoping it will be posted this week or next week, but hopefully this week.

UMMMMM....yeah. ;D


Friday, August 21, 2009

YAY~! CHYES~! :3

Today, I posted that Hibari drabble AND #9 of *Kyoya's Sister?!*!!! The Hibari drabble is titled, "Kamikurosu" btw. Just in case you wanted to know. ^^

I think #9 was kinda short though...

The Hibari drabble was 100 words exactly! I think I'm good at getting drabbles to fit perfectly into the 100-word limit. ^^

Made a new Gaia account...lol. Bet I won't do anything except just type stuff in the journal and reply to messages/comments by friends. But in case you wanna know for some reason, just search for Ruki7chan.

Next chapter of *Kyoya's Sister?!* is going to be the last, but I think that in the future...I'm going to be posting a one-shot based on the story, for some reason. Probably to make it up to you guys. I think it's gonna be a KaixNagayama FRIENDSHIP one-shot... =/ Ya know, since he didn't really get much of a chance to really be in the story, poor him. xP

I think, that if I get an idea anyway, I'll post another Bel drabble so then Bel stars in 4 drabbles, just like Fran did! Although Fran has 4 FranxOC drabbles while Bel would only have 2 BelxOC drabbles... aw... =( Alright, maybe I'll make 3 more Bel drabbles between my updates. Yup, that's what I'll do.

Ummmm~, I think that's it. So I gotta go sleep now, baibai~! <3


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ok, so...

...I got through the beginning AN for KS #9!!! :D ...Yeah, you might be like, "Wtf? That's not even...close." or something like that... I wasn't sure what to type after the "Wtf?"... =/

But it was pretty long, somehow. And, that's actually a great accomplishment, at least I got some part of it done, right? RIGHT?!!?!?!!? :D

Er...sorry about the slow speed, but at least it hasn't been a month between the updates yet. Phew. I'm hoping to get it in before school starts, and the final chapter of MMD?PW too.

I got busy with helping update my and a friend's websites and stuff, so yeah... made a few (but awesome) updates and all that stuff. Can't really give you the link to my company's site, since we use real names and all, but I guess I can for my friend.

Yo, yo, yo~! CLICK MEH~!!!

Signs of online hyperness is showing... er. Yah, when you--

OH CRAP. Just realized my real name is showed on a page of that site. ...Oh wellz. I don't care that much since I'm sure not that many people go to read this blog! ^^ Besides, on my site, there's my friends's names, so yeah. I respect their privacy. ...Except for the one that started this site...but she asked for it! "Share it on blogger! Facebook! AIM! ANYTHING!!!" ...Well, maybe not like she was on crack, but you get what I mean.

So please check it out, don't get freaked out when you watch the videos on there, and most importantly!



**Signs of online crack-ness appearing**

...I think I'll stop now. >.< Oh, and I noticed for the last 2 posts, I forgot to put my siggy! D: So here we go..


Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Updates: SFC #3

What's coming up, hopefully soon: KS #9 and MMD?PW #25 (FINAL)

I worked on SFC #3 for about 2 1/2 hours today, and I have to say, I'm pretty proud of it! So check it out, it's posted! <3 I tried working on it yesterday, couldn't bring myself to do so, sadly, but then today, I really felt like typing it! :D Although I kinda got cut off since I had to visit an aunt that recently got out of the hospital...don't really know her well, so it was kinda awkward. Took a long time to get there, we only stayed there for a lil, and then when we came back, I immediately went to work on SFC #3 again. ^^ Then I had to shower (another interruption -_-), but then after that I continued, so now it's posted! CHYES!

Um, I already got an idea for #9 (whoo~ on a roll), so I'll get started on that tomorrow. Why tomorrow and right after posting SFC #3? I needa work on my Japanese...doing Katakana right now and it's harder than Hiragana, to me anyways. I'll try working on #9 tomorrow, hopefully I'll have this full feeling (I dunno how to describe it) so I can work hard on it like I did for SFC #3.

Like I said in the beginning AN of SFC #3, the first person who messages me or comments on one of my story/updates-related blog posts (a nice comment/message, of course) will be given an OC character form to fill out so they will be in the story. They will only have a short appearance in #4 though, but will show up more in the following chapters.

MMD?PW #25 (FINAL)? Well, I'm hoping that I'll get it out before school starts for me on Sept. 8. It would be troublesome for me to try to work on a chapter of a story I don't really have motivation for during school year.

Oh! Just remembered, for KS, I'm not doing that special chapter thing with messages, sorry. After finishing up stories I'm currently working on, I'd like to just relax and worry about school stuff (hopefully not worrying too much) and maybe post occasional drabbles. Maybe a one-shot too, not sure.

I think I might post a Hibari drabble today or tomorrow...I got an idea, and I don't want to turn away from it. If I do, please rate nicely~. Meaning 3 stars or more. ^^ Um, that's it for now, gotta eat~. <3

Monday, August 17, 2009

♣SFC #3♣

Okay, I seriously started it today, and I'm hoping that it will be posted by the time today's over. Hopefully. Otherwise, tomorrow. But I'm hoping it won't come to that. Seriously.

Uhh~ just did the Hare Hare Yukai dance (not the full dance, so it was only like 1 minute and 10 seconds or something) 10 times, my right arm is tired. A bit. I started to sweat but then the 10 times was over so I'm taking a break. Maybe I should try learning the FULL dance, now? It would be more of a work-out. Also, I did the 10th time while watching myself in the mirror, and I'm proud to say that...

I don't look as much as a dumb butt as I did the last time I tried looking at myself do the Hare Hare Yukai dance. ^_______^'

Sooooo~, how ya peeps doin'? Ya know, if you're even reading this, you could at least drop a comment so I know that you're reading this. But ok, w/e you want I guess...


...No seriously, I typed out all the important stuff that was on that little box. :] There's this thing that says 10 pieces in the corner too, but whatevs. Although I would kill for Strawberry&Kiwi flavor instead, kiwi watermelon is cool too. ^_^

What I'm Drinkin' Right Now: A fricking Crystal Geyser water bottle that practically killed my LEFT hand (that's the hand I write with) when I tried to open it. The style the bottle is in makes it hard to open the bottle, seriously! Arrowhead's bettah in my opinion. D:

I wish I could die in style like Ryuichi... *sigh* Don't get it? Um, try searching on youtube for "w-inds. kendo". In the vid, it has each of the w-inds. boys having a kendo match and they're supposed to die. First up is Ryohei, then Keita, and then Ryuichi. Watch Ryuichi's actions. -_-

Keita's the only one that died in a realistic-ish way. Ryohei didn't even fall on the floor, he just convulsed and yeah...then started using the kendo stick as a walking stick and said, "I don't want to die yet~!" x3.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

SFC #3~

Err, well, I'm trying to work on it since I finished #24 of MMD?PW ...but I keep getting distracted by a few other things, and there's this really awesome FREE 10 source thing for learning Japanese, so I'm working on part of that too~.

......For SFC #3, the issue right now is that....I have the idea for it, I just don't know how to put it in words and make it detailed and all that. x-x I got the beginning AN down (of course, ANs are so easy for me to write and get over with) and then put the remade banner, but then after that... it's like this (for me):


So you see, I'm such a failure in writing, I've started so many stories and then get writer's block so many times, and I keep running out of original ideas. I needa stop making stories just because I get an idea...geez~.

So uh, dudes. If ya wanna learn Japanese and like...don't wanna use money and want it to be FREE~, haha to you people who were planning to use a whole bunch of money... check out uhhh...hold on lemme get the link thing.

Koichi-sama's Super-awesomeness lol. Nice eh? <--- so...uh there's also a link thing in the right sidebar sort of thing, and well, it's for this "Particles Cheatsheet" cuz of how the Japanese particles get confusing sometimes. Really helpful and easy to understand too. Not complex like some teachers tend to make things.

Yeahhhh~ I already know how to read my hiragana and all...but I need to work more on writing them and the whole stroke order thing, and after that I'll go onto katakana and then I'll continue onto the other lessons in Tae Kim's guide to Japanese... (which is #2 of the 10 FREE online resources for learning Japanese). I seriously think that this'll help me learn Japanese by the time I finish high school. ...Probably earlier. XP

I already knew about iKnow before seeing this whole top 10 thing, and I agree with how helpful it is, but I kinda forgot about it after like...2 days. Oopsies. :3

Umm...just talked with a friend right now, for an idea about SFC #3, and I've decided, and get ready for this pplz~!!!


...Don't get it? -___- #3 will be fiiiiii~lled with cwa~ckness. Whoever thinks I'm on crack right now, please raise your hand~ lol kidding. Don't you dare raise your hand. >.>

Uh...so...yeah! Crack! W00t~...

Me need to get a lifuuu~hhh~ No seriously I should.

I wonder if I'll continue updating this blog when I'm like...20+ years old or something. Hope so, I don't want to just... *ping* abandon *gloomy music* this blog. That'd suck dude. I dun wanna work at a pharmacy or w/e my dad planned for me as a job~. He said that I could write as a side job though...

I see where he's coming from though. Cuz there's no guarantee that my works will even become famous enough to pay well, so yeah...and I can't just rely on that. But I also (I didn't tell my dad about this) wanna be a voice actress for English dubs for anime (though all the good ones have the roles all...taken) since I have fun changing my voice to different pitches and all that. According to a few friends, without any effort, I sound like a boy on the phone. X_________X But I can also do a kiddish voice too, so yeah.

*smacks self on the head* Stop saying "so yeah..." or something like that! D;

No one really reads this huh? Well typing gives me a goooo~d feeling and typing out my problems/issues or w/e at the moment helps with my feelings and all that, so yeah!

Crap. I did the so yeah. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFSHHHHHHHH....I'm ok. Ok, I can do this.

Aight, so for now.......ja ne~ <3


Thursday, August 13, 2009


Just started listening to their songs today (which is REALLY late since they started in 2001 >.>) and so far, I think they're awesome! ^^

Ryohei is a KICK-ASS break dancer! Proof? Er...try searching on YouTube for something called WaT and w-inds. or something like that...

Wish I could break dance like him...but I'd probably break something in the process of learning. ><

w-inds. is a J-pop boy band...so if you have an interest in J-pop and haven't listened to any of their songs (Geez, it's already sad that I didn't, but if you... ><) you should try listening to them. There's also this playlist on iMeem that has all of their songs out so far (I think) and it totals up to 100. Isn't that nice~? <3 LOL.

I was like, "Oh. Mai. God." when I saw how...perfect the total number was. x-x

Wahhhhh~! It's so sad that I didn't come upon w-inds. until today... TwT Actually, I think I saw it once in a story a long time ago, but I probably just dismissed it or something... I'm seriously regretting that right now...

Just wanted to talk about how much w-inds. rocks so...yeah. I don't think any new songs have come out this year (2009) yet...if they did, then well...TELL MEH~! X3

Yeah uhh...you can probably tell, but w-inds. is my current band/music obsession at the moment. ^^

[Edit: A few w-inds. songs are in the playlist! <3]

Updates~ <3

Updates: #24 of *Mada Mada Dane? Psh, whatev.* ~Ryoma~ is posted and out!

Going to work on: SFC #3

What's coming up soon: SFC #3, KS #9, and MMD?PW #25 (FINAL)

So now that that's over for the whole stories business and stuff...

Well, mostly. I guess I'll tell you that in #9 of KS the AN will be longer than usual, since it'll be explaining something since KS is going to end at #10, and since that's pretty short, there'll be a special thing I guess. Like after I finish KS and post the "Thank you!" note, I'll also be giving you this form in the last chapter of KS. Or something like a form to fill out and give me in a msg on Quizilla or comment on here... And the form will be about what you want to happen (nothing like lime/lemon though ew...I'm too young for that...still.) in a "special" chapter and the chapter would be dedicated to you under what username you use and all that.

So the form will probably include you putting your username, what characters you want to have in it (you can just put hosts including/except Nagayama instead of listing all their names), and the plot/events and yeah...

I don't really have a copy of what the official "form" will look like and all that though, but it'll be posted in the ending AN of KS #10. So yeah.

Ok, now that the whole story thing is SERIOUSLY over...

...Ok nah. The whole story business isn't over. XP This blog post is all about the stories.

For SFC, well...there was no one who messaged me about it except for RL friends, so I think that I'll have this thing where the first person who messages me about SFC (not just Sensitive) will be given a [hopefully] short character form that they'll fill out so I can put them as an OC in SFC... Since people don't really know any characters besides the Wammy boys. Except Linda, but yeah.

I think for the SFCs, that I'll have it run out as long as 10 chapters, and then after that, if I happen to out of nowhere get an idea for an SFC I'll write and post one. ...While posting the real *Sensitive* chapters. Oh btw, *Sensitive* is now an Ootori Choutarou story! <3 He needs more love, and well... I think that's enough reason. =P There might be some VERY LIGHT MattxAkira moments, but I think you'll only find those in SFC, not the actual story story. Yeah...

*cough* I think that's it for now...so yeah! ;D ...I feel kinda awkward that I only have 2 followers on this blog, and 1 is a RL friend so it's kinda like... "Duh."... T_T


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I figured that I wouldn't be able to cosplay and go to an Anime Convention, but there is a slight possibility that I could go to Little Tokyo and while exploring and all that stuff, cosplay. Hopefully with friends because being alone just...sucks. x-x

Ok so I figured... if I do cosplay, I'll cosplay Ryoma! ...Wearing a Rikkai jacket, and Seigaku shirt inside. XP I'm planning to have a home-made Rikkai jacket (LOL) since everything else besides the jacket will be Seigaku, and the Rikkai jacket can't be sold separately, only in a set with the rest of the Rikkai uniform. So, I'm hoping to buy a Ryoma hat that's 9 bucks, and then a Seigaku shirt with the shorts which is 39 bucks. Together, that's 48 bucks and that can be covered by last year's Christmas money. XP

I'll need yellow and black paint to paint this jacket of mine that I don't wear anymore and stuff...as for the logo thing on the jacket, I'll just use construction paper and glue it. I'll write in block-ish letters or w/e style "Rikkai" is written as and then FTW (credit goes to Mirr0 XP) and cut it out. And then use red marker to outline the letters. Hehe~

So then on the 30th (since Halloween's on the weekend) at school, I'll dress up as Ryoma! I'm pretty sure they'll allow the jacket XP. They don't allow hats though, so... =( And I'll probably wear the costume to my friends' parties and stuff... Only A***** will get it though since she's the only friend I have that knows PoT.

Even if I won't be able to go to Little Tokyo either (if I do I can do the Hare Hare Yukai dance and show my friend in an empty place lol XP), then I'll just try to wear the costume as much as I can. I don't care if those bullies at school laugh at me or anything, I'm proud to be Ryoma~! :D ...Mostly.

I'll cut my hair in a Yuki (from Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)-style so it's still a girl-cut, but short enough so it can look like a guy's hair too. =] I'm too used to having shorter hair anyway, so it should be fine. I might have to print out a pic of Yuki and show that to the person who cuts my hair since I dunno how to describe it well enough to her... >.> Gawsh, that'd be embarrassing, but worth it. Yuki's hair is awesome! :D

Like the new layout? Hope so. New songs in the playlist too, btw~. <3

That's Yuki in case you don't know~


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I memorized the Hare Hare Yukai dance completely! ;D On my 3rd day since starting to watch that super-awesome learning vid. ^^

I don't think I learned the dance so fast because I'm a good dancer though. I think it's because of the vid I watched, or because I pick things up fast and I have a good memory, or all of the above. Not that I'm a good dancer. Because when I'm dancing and try looking in the mirror (it's on the side wall of where I'm facing when I do the dance), my moves just look plain stupid. So yeah.

Learning/practicing the Hare Hare Yukai is a good work-out. I suggest (since this article thing says that teens need at least 1 hour of physical exercise [maybe it said outside, but w/e] every day) watching the learning vid 12 times so it equals to about an hour a day. Or you can cut it up so it's like watching the vid 4 times in the morning, afternoon, and then night.

Seriously, it helps! ^^ XD But if you have a wooden floor at your house or at least in the room that has your computer so you can watch the vid and dance along, I suggest not going down too quickly to kneel at the ending of the song. You'll end up getting a bruise on your left knee like I did. ;_; But you kinda havta learn how to go kneel quickly and safely or else you wouldn't be in sync with Haruhi, Yuki, and Mikuru in the vid and it would just look...weird. x-x

Here's the link for the super awesome learning vid if you guys wanna learn. It's mirrored, so if it looks like the characters are moving to the right, then you're supposed to move to the right too! ^^ So it's not confusing and you have to worry about "Oh, it looks like she's moving to the left, but Yuki's actually moving to HER right" and all that stuff. x-x

Ok no more stalling, here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mIV1fdtAXE

There ya go. Enjoy~ <3 Oh, and btw, THANK GOD FOR NO PITCH CHANGE IN THAT LEARNING VID OR ELSE I'D HAVE TO DEAL WITH A CREEPY VOICE!!! TwT Cuz when you slow down the song with Haruhi's girl voice, it turns it into this slow-mo creepy dude voice.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Thank you~! :3

Thank you to Mirr0/KatsumiAkira because she introduced me to Shugo Chara! X333 I think it's awesome now and I dunno why... but...

Amu (the main character)'s personality or how she acts reminds me of someone/something in a way... I'm not sure who/what though. TwT

I guess that I'll try to finish up #24 of MMD?PW tomorrow, but it might be hard...I made so many stories so creative juices have...run out. x-x And then after that #3 of SFC...

Uhm....Miki's my favorite chara? x3 Maybe Yoru too...not sure. But Miki for sure. XD I guess it's because she wears blue and all that stuff, and she likes to draw and is artistic, and then her personality is cool too. Yoru's funny and yeah...

Uhhhh.....for you people who have watched or are watching Shugo Chara... Geez, this is kinda random but I just need to type something X3. You know when Kuukai was dragging Amu around sorta and stuff early in the series? I was drinking milk at that time and almost sprayed it like Amu did when she saw Ikuto on her balcony or w/e...

Ahhhh I feel good when I type. X3333 uhhhhhhhhhhh BLAH! uhhhhhwhattosaywhattosay.......

Do you know my catchphrase by now? Uhhh... and yeahhhh I say a lot even though I don't mean to have those as a catchphrase.......man I wish I had a cool catchphrase. Even more than that I wish I had chara(s) too, I'm always lonely at home except for talking to people online, so I kinda end up talking to myself a few times, so I kinda want someone to actually talk to so people don't think I'm mental. x-x

Also, it'd be cool to have a chara as a friend. ^^

I saw this pic and saved it to my comp without even knowing that it was Ikuto and Yoru... x-x I didn't know Shugo Chara until yesterday! Dx

Sunday, August 9, 2009

<3 Dancing~

Okay so on YouTube while I was looking at that Caramelldansen KHR thing, I also saw this YouTube user of this KHR cosplay group. Three of them cosplay PoT as well. I think Wahiba is a good Hibari cosplayer. X3 lol. But yeah there was this thing called "Mafia Hare Hare Yukai" and they were awesome dancing it XD.

Hibari was dancing as Haruhi, and when it came to the part where Haruhi would push Yuki around on stage or w/e, it was like; "Pffft. No." XDDD

And then I thought. "HEY! I don't have a life and lots of free time right now (the stories don't count XD) so why not try learning the Hare Hare Yukai dance?" even though I can't dance it at an AnimeCon or something since my parents probably won't let me cosplay, but w/e! ^^

So I found this really good learning vid on YouTube for learning the dance and I think it's a good workout too. XP

I wish I could cosplay and go to AnimeCon or cosplay in Little Tokyo with friends or something... When I was thinking about cosplay, first person I wanted to cosplay as was Rukia since I can easily make my hair look like hers with gel or something... but then I thought later that BLEACH was already popular, so...

If I ever get to cosplay, I think I'd cosplay (Prince of Tennis) Ryoma or (KHR) Hibari or Chrome. I don't mind cutting my hair in a guyish style just to cosplay... I like guyish styles. XD

The YouTube user name for the KHR/GinTama/PoT cosplay group is pineapplexmafiaPRO. Just in case you wanted to know so you could watch crack vids, etc. <3

P.S. I suck at dancing [in my opinion] so this might take a while. I have about a month before school starts though.

[Edit: I got down the dance! Although my moves are probably more clumsy than the anime people's X3. Of course. LOL. I'm not sure if I "unconsciously" memorized it yet, but probably not. CHYES FOR GETTING IT IN 1 DAY!!! **I watched the video at least 10 times, so that's why. Please don't bitch at me for bragging or something like that.**]


Saturday, August 8, 2009


Okay so like, I was on YouTube...looking at KHR's Varia songs...

In my opinion, all of them were decent(+) except for Levi's. I don't like Levi's. It's not good. Nope.

My favorite was Bel's song, Arashi no Ouji. And I thought that Squalo's was the funniest. Here's what happened when I was going to listen to Squalo's song.

"..." 13 seconds of calmness in the song goes by


Me: *gawks before starting to crack up*

*song goes on*

XDDDDDDDD Still shocked that Squalo's VA is the same as Eiji's though. Still. Squalo's voice is all agressive and loud, and then well...Eiji's voice can  be loud too when he's hyper I guess, but his voice is more light-hearted and....bouncy? Not sure how to describe it.

And then! I saw this video with the song Caramelldansen, and you know how they had those pics of those 2 people doing the dance? Well in the video it had the KHR characters doing the dance!!! LOL. I cracked up when I saw Hibari doing the dance. Seriously. Even Xanxus was doing the dance, although tic marks surrounded him... Dino was in there too, in v.3 which has like...all the KHR characters. Bel's there too with Mammon on his head <3... No Fran though. Oh god. Hibari and Xanxus doing the Caramelldansen dance, but then Fran? Oh. Mai. God.

If it doesn't show up as the video...sorry and here's the link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeB3fEuNos8&feature=related

Hope you enjoy laughing up your guts. ...And other internal organs. ^^ *straight face* I <3 the person who made that KHR/Caramelldansen video(s)~


<3 Remade Banner

I remade the banner for SFCs on Photobucket, like when I made my username banner on Photobucket, since making banners on Photobucket is better than on Paint. Although I can't do that spray can thing that you can on Paint... I used to use it to make dots in the blank space in my banners! XD

Here's a sneak peek I guess, for the people who check this blog... No one comments on my blog except for Mirr0 and a friend of mine that also has a blog though... :

-Check it out XP-

I can't help it! I love using the glittery option! XD Oh and if you're wondering why N, M, and then MA kinda shrink and stuff, it's cuz if I kept the letters at the size that N was, then it would've overlapped and I don't think it would've looked that pretty. Plus, it kinda makes sense since Near's the #1 successor, then Mello, and then Matt... No offense to people who think Mello and/or Matt is/are better than Near...
I don't think Near is the best either. X3 But that doesn't mean I think Mello is the best either... (LOL at the eithers *gets shot by Mello fans*)
Here's my order of the 4 Wammy boys in which I think are the best... Don't kill me, it's your fault for being curious and wanting to read it. xP
1. L
2. Matt
3. Near
4. Mello
Poor Mello, but I don't really like him that much. He's still a great character though.
I think that's it for now... <3

Friday, August 7, 2009

YAY~! *stars for eyes*

Updates: Posted a Bel drabble. XD 100 words exactly. (If the underline doesn't appear, then gah!)

Anyway, so the day before yesterday (that sounds like a horror movie title) I got my first very ever detailed message. And it was for *Kyoya's Sister?!*. Thankies to souleaterfan21 (*gasp* I memorized it without knowing! x3) !!! Another person messaged for *Kyoya's Sister?!* and that was XxXxXVampireLuverXxXxX... so thank you to that person as well.

Also, today I was talking to my friend's super-awesome cousin on AIM, and it eventually led me to giving her the link for the first SFC, and she complimented it! *_* And she's going into 10th grade, so yeah that's why I'm ecstatic. An older person (not just by like 1 year) complimented my story! Even though she doesn't watch Death Note or w/e, she still read it.

I'm so happy~ *dreamy look*

That's it for now, so...


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Username Banner

I was bored so I tried to make one for myself. Here's how it turned out:
...It won't turn out to look bigger! T___T
But yeah that's how it turned out --->

I personally think I put too many "stickers" (I was using Photobucket for this) so it's kinda overkill.

What do you think of it? :3 Even though it shows up small on here...

Oh, doh~! *hits head* You can just click on it to see the normal size. ^^ Hehe, almost forgot about that thing.


I finally posted something KHR-related after having an "obsession" with it for... 2 months? I dunno XD.

Anyway, it's a drabble collection. 4 drabbles, each under 100 words, and they all star Fran and an OC. Bel's in them too, but only the last 2. So yeah.

I don't really know if they're OOC or not, but all of sudden, those 4 ideas whooshed into my head last night when it was like 11:30 to midnight...and I couldn't try to sleep again until I wrote them down... x_x And it's kinda messed up to not post them if they're something that interrupted your attempt to sleep... ><

In truth, there were 5 ideas that whooshed into my head, but the 5th was a very slight BelxOC drabble...and I didn't think it would've fit with the others. Just comment on this post or message me on Quizilla or in some other way contact me if you want me to post it. Don't expect much though. ^^

Don't have anything to say, so I'm ending my blogging for now here. =]

<<<--- Darn those two for ruining my attempt to sleep so bad~! D:< XD Still think they're awesome though. <3

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


:3 Kyoya's Sister?! #8 is out... I was right when I said it was going to be posted soon. ^^ Again, my feelings about that kinda thing aren't to be doubted.
It was really easy to write and post it since I was feeling lonely and no one was on either Neopets, Quizilla, or AIM.
It was a 9-day wait for the still-fans of Kyoya's Sister?!... that's pretty impressive compared to the monthly updates that I had after the break... Maybe this loneliness is a good thing? But it's hard to put in some humor and feeling when I'm feeling lonely and empty while typing up the chapters.
Like when I was typing #8, I had to pause a few times, because I felt weird and didn't know what to do (even though I had the plot already thought out in my mind), but once I got over that it was easy to keep on typing and stuff.
Oh, and I almost forgot about it, but the other friend that I talk to on AIM that hasn't gone yet, is going to Yellowstone next week, so I'll be even MORE lonelier. Good thing though is that the other friend from Neopets that hasn't been on for a while is on right now.
Well, I think that's pretty much all I had to say... hmm...here's a random pic I guess. Actually, 2... Actually, it's not random. XDDD
I thought it would serve well as Kai (from Kyoya's Sister?!) in girly clothing and if you changed the brown eyes to black. But then again, her expression just doesn't seem to match with Kai's personality... Oh well! Still! :]
And I thought maybe this could be Kai with long hair if she had long hair XD. Maybe in the past she has long hair? I dunno. =P

~Lonely~ TwT

Ok, so basically, I feel empty and lonely right now. My friend's gone to Canada, my other friend isn't really on AIM much and when she is, she usually doesn't respond, another friend's in Vietnam, another's not going on Neopets much recently... (these are RL friends...)

I'm talking to one person on Quizilla... before it was 2, but her friends are forcing her to go out... And there's one friend I'm talking to on Neopets and she usually replies fast, but recently, she's been. taking. for. ever. to. frick. ing. re. ply. (The one on Neopets is another RL friend...)

So yeah, it's like talking to one person only. ... Online.

Anyway, for Kyoya's Sister?! I have an idea for the whole sibling-relationship chapter, just need to type it down. I'll probably do it right now since I'm feeling lonely and all...

Oh...looks like there's another person on Quizilla that I can talk to now... but still. You should expect #8 to be out soon~

Because of SFC #2? XDDD Whoever drew it is an awesome artist. ^^ Unlike me who can only draw the head and still screws up sometimes...
[Edit: Nvm, I'm not as lonely. It seems that my friend on Neopets found something fun and we could do together or something. *shrugs* Still a bit lonely from 2 best friends being gone though]
[Edit2: Screw this, I'm back to being lonely. No one's online anymore. *goes to work on Kyoya's Sister #8*]

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Yay~ I added this music playlist thingie to my blog...it took a while... XD It has my choice of songs and stuff... To make one of your own, just go to: http://www.playlist.com/ . You'll have to register before making one of course...

If you don't like the songs I do, then...sorry? You can just pause. Don't worry about it. ^^

My friend (from RL) sent me a Neomail, and turns out, she's in Vietnam! ^^ And she also made a short stop in Korea too... she said that she'll be going back there for like 10 hours... XD

What's so freaky is that someone was knocking on the house's door, and then after that I saw my friend's neomail, and since the title was "hi"...

I freaked. (-_-'')

Anyway, another friend of mine is going to Canada tomorrow... so I'll be pretty much lonely besides 2 people. 1 of them sometimes doesn't respond on AIM though.

OH. MY. GOD. My friend is testing out Superbuddy icons, and she said, "Jk" with the giraffe...and let's just say it seems like it flirted with me.

T_____________T I feel so...messed up! A GIRAFFE FLIRTED with ME!!! ;__________; I'm going to sulk in a corner... ><''''''''''' (If the arrows appear as something else, sorry. x-x)
Oh, almost forgot. I feel a little bad since I didn't put any pic in the last post, so... here! ^^

Sorry if it's kinda random, but yeah! ^^ I thought it's kinda pretty, so~ :3

. . . :3

YAY 20th POST!! ^^ .....actually that's not at all impressive since I started this blog in May, is it? -__-

Well, anyway, SFC numbah 2 was posted! :3 Yayz! I thought it was pretty good. And I was talking to my friend about how sometimes when it says that there's 6 views, the first person rates, and now I'm checking it, it says 6 views, and... IT'S RATED 5 STARS :O Thankies to whoever rated XD.

I personally think...that chapter was the awesomest I've ever written. Seriously. x-x There's a couple of cool/cute pics in it too since I can't really describe the gifts really well or anything like that.

I'm supposed to be working on #8 of Kyoya's Sister?! but...not coming up with anything yet... Geez, I always get all these "cool" ideas to start stories but then after I post the few chapters, it's like, "...blehhh" and I can't really think anything as awesome anymore. XD

On another note... anybody try a jawbreaker before? :3 I haven't tried one ever, unless the experience was super-bad for me that my memory blocked it out or something... TwT But I don't think that's the case. XP This sucks. Got nothing to talk about...

Well, does anyone know a site or something that has really awesome games that you can play with your friends but you don't have to download them or w/e? .....I can't think of any. Either they're lame, or they're really awesome but you have to download them. x_x

Maybe I'll go blogging again later today... dunno what to talk about right now...

Monday, August 3, 2009


Okay, so sorry for not blogging for the past...2 days? But once again, nothing interesting really happened those days. But today, I started the 2nd SFC and it's going pretty well, actually. 1,503 words and not even done yet!

To be honest, it's not really long, but it is compared to the other chapters I've posted for my stories... After the break I took, I tried to get my chapters longer, and around the 1,000 words length. Before I think they were around 700 words or something. So 1,503 words and not complete yet is actually a good accomplishment.

I'm hoping to finish it either today, or tomorrow, but I probably won't post it until tomorrow because I had 2 OCs that are based on 2 of my RL friends, and I still need to ask one of them to specify on what looks they want and stuff. And they're not on AIM so yeah.

After that, I'll try working on the next chapter of Kyoya's Sister?! and then that IM-conv -ish chapter for MMD?PW.

And then back to SFC #3. :]

Ya know how I said that when I finished MMD?PW and all that and then I would make a Fire Emblem: Hasha no Tsurugi story? Actually, I don't think I can go with that. I'm starting to lose interest, and also, even though it's 45 chapters or something, there's like 50 pages each chapter. I mean, in Bleach now (and before possibly, haven't checked the earlier chaps) each chapter is only 20 pages.

Maybe I'll make something KHR-related (maybe for Fran since he needs more love...)... one-shot, drabble, story, mini-series, whatever. Just something I guess. Not songfic though because I don't think I'd be good at that kinda thing and I've never tried... Cuz I'd probably would take forever to find a song that would fit the idea (and coming up with the idea takes time too) and then I'd have to find the English lyrics, and yeahhhh. Sometimes English lyrics are hard to find... I forget the last time I've listened to an English song (excluding Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru)... Seriously.

It felt like short blogging even though the post is actually long...

TYL Bel's hair is way cooler than the other Bel...no offense. :3