Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Well, recently I've posted 2 more sections for "Interview Yorukifon"...

Also, during my b-day which is July 20, I found out that it was also Zaizen Hikaru's b-day from Shitenhouji from Prince of Tennis. And then my reaction was something like, "OH SHNAP!" and I decided I would try to make a banner for him tomorrow, meaning today, but I couldn't really find any decent pics, and Kage-san already made one and if I made one, it wouldn't even be close to how awesome hers was.

And then I thought of making a one-shot (probably would be very short though) for Zaizen, but I was kinda and kinda not sure on his personality, and I just recently checked this fanlisting which had a profile kinda thingy on him, and I think I got his personality down and stuff, but I'm still scared since well... I dun wanna suffer the flames saying, "HE WAS OOC!!" etc etc. And also, it's already 1 day late, and it's almost 10:50, so... (XD It also said he was a lefty, which made me cheer for joy, and also that his fav subject was English, which is the same for me. And then also that his worst is Classics, and I don't exactly have a subject called that, but I don't like classics either.)

Maybe I'll do it, maybe I won't... But I DO know that Zaizen needs more love. Seriously, I searched "Zaizen" on Quizilla, and guess what? 7 results. And one was actually a Kenya one-shot. And 2 of them didn't have anything to do with him at all. And one was Kage-san's July PoT b-day banners. So basically, he only had 3 creations for him. 4 if you count a b-day banner. They were all one-shots/drabbles. No series. I can't exactly say I can make a series for him though...

*groan* Aw man, I shoulda chose him for Sabrina-san's story lottery thing so possibly, he could have a mini-series! *bangs head* Dammit, dammit, dammit. So I asked my friend to message Sabrina-san for a chance for Zaizen...

I'll get to trying on that Zaizen one-shot.

1 comment:

  1. D: Zaizen does need more love! And I told you, if you want to make one and post it up I have links for great pictures~! :)

    Oh Ruki, are you left-handed? :0

    LOL three creations only? x3 I thought there was more, counting The Other Side of the Story, From the Past to the Future (that's a series!), and this other one shot by another user and maybe my Tenipuri family series?
