Monday, July 27, 2009


(I found this pic, and well... don't you guys think that if you dyed HIBARI's hair a silvery white or something he'd look EXACTLY like ICHIMARU GIN!??!?!? D:< Even though I saved it, it's giving me the creeps!!!)

Just noticed. Reading back on the last post, I noticed that I forgot something really important that could possibly interfere with my plans...

Yush, peoplez. I forgot the...

SCHOOL FACTOR!!!!! D:<<<< Nuuuuuuuz.

And therefore, the "plans" I made will probably be carried out slower than I originally, if I only came up with this earlier or something... ._.

I have a feeling the next chapter of my OHSHC story will be posted today or please be sure to look out.

**EDITED 5:02 PM**

:] #7 of *Kyoya's Sister?!* ~OHSHC~ has been posted. My feelings aren't to be doubted. x]

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