Thursday, July 30, 2009


Since I thought Dino was awesome and watched the KHR episodes that had him in them... After all, his seiyuu for the 1st season was Kamakari Kenta (Tenimyu actor for Shishido [KENKEN]) and after that was KENN (Tenimyu actor for Fuji Yuuta)... *snicker* Dino had seiyuus... KenKen (or do people type it in all caps?) and KENN... heh. A bit disturbing that his weapon is a whip, and that he's a guy, but... *twitch* whatever.

Sorry, I didn't do any blogging yesterday... then again, nothing interesting really happened anyway... *sweatdrop*

Anyway, so, today, I was on AIM talking to a friend that I was only able to stay with for 1 school year before having to go to another one. And apparently, I teach online acting classes. Even if I have no experience in the area. Really.

I even tested my friend and all and gave grades and all that... O_O I even made a fricking report card, for Pete's sake! Although I think it's crappy since it was made on Paint, and I forgot how to do the whole card thingie on MW (Microsoft Word), so yeah...

My friend was talking about how I should make an academy and all that...

I don't think my classes were that good, but ok...? xD

On another note, about my stories...I was trying to post the next chapter which would be filler-like for MMD?PW, but I couldn't think of an idea for it... I'll try my best to put it out tomorrow, though! And then after that I'll get to work on *Sensitive*'s 2nd SFC... I already have an idea...

HINT: I had typed in the AN at the beginning of the 1st SFC saying that Akira was 4 (almost 5).

So yeah. And then I'll try updating Kyoya's Sister with that one chapter about Kai and Kyoya's sibling relationship... It'll probably have a flashback and possible OOCness for the Ootori family members since I don't know them that well... Although I think the dad is kinda cold, and I'll probably have him acting OOC since they're younger and all...

Hmm... *thinks it over* yeah, I think that'll be fine.


HOLY CRAP~! SOMETHING JUST POPPED IN MY HEAD FOR THE NEXT CHAP! But it won't really be a chapter and I dunno if it would count as a filler even... probably not. :] *tries to write it after reading over the previous chapters of MMD?PW (hey it HAS been a long time...) to make sure I don't make my own OC OOC...*

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