Friday, July 31, 2009


#23 of Mada Mada Dane? Psh, whatev. is posted! I'm so glad... *sniff*

So the next thing I'll try to get updated will be the 2nd SFC for *Sensitive*!!! ^_^ And then after that *Kyoya's Sister* and then go through that 2 more times, and then it will only be updating SFCs and *Kyoya's Sister* chapters.

To be honest, I don't know how long the SFCs are going to last... I guess 10? =/ But then after that, it'll be updating *DDY* and Kyoya's Sister although I'll just wait for more messages for DDY...

DDY would probably end up discontinued judging by the fact that only 1 person messaged... or on pause for a long while.

On another note...

I'm dreading the first day school starts and looking forward to it at the same time! T___T The only reason I'm looking forward to it is because then I'll be able to see my friends a lot more than I did throughout the summer.

Otherwise, I would just dread the day that school comes.

I might not have as much time to update my stories and have more time writing them in my notebooks than on MW on the computer... because I'll be trying to study hard on Geometry (it's the only subject that really troubles me besides PE) so I can keep up straight A's...well besides the B I'll probably have in PE...

Cuz last year, I ended up letting one of my classes besides PE go down to a B, but at the end of the school year, it was an 88% B+ T____________T DO YOU KNOW HOW MESSED UP THAT IS?! So close...and it was actually supposed to be 89% if the teacher curved the final test... But hey, at least I know I got a better grade than my brother in Algebra... But then again... *anime tears* he had a messed up teacher anyway! T________T

So yeah, I'll be working harder on Geometry to make sure that my grade in it will stay at an A would be comforting if I was good in geometry, though I don't think that will happen...

I know that I'll still have time on the computer, but not as much free time... The only reason I'm worrying about only Geometry (besides PE) is cuz...

Well, Language Arts in 7th grade was pretty easy, and my teacher said that the 8th grade language arts is easier, so...

History is always easy for me, even though most of it I don't like...

Science, I'm not actually sure if it'll be easy or not... but I'm pretty sure I can keep an A... last year I had an A+ for all the quarters in Biology, so... but then again, this science is different... Well, I'm confident anyways! *_*

...........The only thing I'm not confident about is geometry and PE... T______T Wahhh... well, my friend (who was in Algebra while in 7th grade like me) said that her sister thinks that all the 7th graders that were in Algebra are going to be put into one geometry class or something like that...

I'm still scared. T_______T

Ja ne~ although I bet no one reads this, but still, it comforts me when I'm able to type this all out and stuff...

Yorukifon :3

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Since I thought Dino was awesome and watched the KHR episodes that had him in them... After all, his seiyuu for the 1st season was Kamakari Kenta (Tenimyu actor for Shishido [KENKEN]) and after that was KENN (Tenimyu actor for Fuji Yuuta)... *snicker* Dino had seiyuus... KenKen (or do people type it in all caps?) and KENN... heh. A bit disturbing that his weapon is a whip, and that he's a guy, but... *twitch* whatever.

Sorry, I didn't do any blogging yesterday... then again, nothing interesting really happened anyway... *sweatdrop*

Anyway, so, today, I was on AIM talking to a friend that I was only able to stay with for 1 school year before having to go to another one. And apparently, I teach online acting classes. Even if I have no experience in the area. Really.

I even tested my friend and all and gave grades and all that... O_O I even made a fricking report card, for Pete's sake! Although I think it's crappy since it was made on Paint, and I forgot how to do the whole card thingie on MW (Microsoft Word), so yeah...

My friend was talking about how I should make an academy and all that...

I don't think my classes were that good, but ok...? xD

On another note, about my stories...I was trying to post the next chapter which would be filler-like for MMD?PW, but I couldn't think of an idea for it... I'll try my best to put it out tomorrow, though! And then after that I'll get to work on *Sensitive*'s 2nd SFC... I already have an idea...

HINT: I had typed in the AN at the beginning of the 1st SFC saying that Akira was 4 (almost 5).

So yeah. And then I'll try updating Kyoya's Sister with that one chapter about Kai and Kyoya's sibling relationship... It'll probably have a flashback and possible OOCness for the Ootori family members since I don't know them that well... Although I think the dad is kinda cold, and I'll probably have him acting OOC since they're younger and all...

Hmm... *thinks it over* yeah, I think that'll be fine.


HOLY CRAP~! SOMETHING JUST POPPED IN MY HEAD FOR THE NEXT CHAP! But it won't really be a chapter and I dunno if it would count as a filler even... probably not. :] *tries to write it after reading over the previous chapters of MMD?PW (hey it HAS been a long time...) to make sure I don't make my own OC OOC...*

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Ya gotta admit, the frog hoodie actually looks pre~ttie damn good on Fran's head. XD seriously. Though I'm not sure if a green or black frog hoodie looks better... ><

Recently, I've had this addiction to the song Sakura Addiction! LOL Get it? Addiction to Sakura Addiction? XD ...ha...*sigh* Not funny, huh?

If you're wondering, Sakura Addiction is this song that Hibari Kyouya and Rokudou Mukuro sing together as a duet. They're from the anime/manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR)...

I like singing along with the "Chrome Version"...the reason why I put " "s is because well...if it was actually Chrome's seiyuu singing it, then wouldn't they have put it on the character song CDs? Though I have to admit the fandub is pretty good... I think that the girl's voice needs to be a bit softer though.

Then again... some characters's voices are a bit different when speaking than speaking. Ya know what I mean? Like I remember one person that said to me, "WOW! Your singing voice is so different from your normal voice!" XDDD

So yeah. I like singing along with "Chrome", although I don't match up to her standards, even if it is a fandub...

And also, I was watching the episodes that had the Varia's battles during the future arc, and I have to say: FRAN IS SO FRICKING HILARIOUS AND AWESOME. Well, Bel is too, but Fran's the newer character so yeah...

"Have you ever thought about how this is destroying the environment?"

"Listen, senpai~! Could you stop stabbing me?" You referring to Bel

"Sankyuu, senpai. Good job. *thumbs up*"

XDDDD There are so many quotes from Fran that I find hilarious. XD

Also, to me, Fran and Bel kinda fit together even they don't really like each other that much... not as in like a yaoi pair though, ew~! Bleh! =[

The episode is 137 (I skip around XD) and also kinda 138 that "star" Fran and Bel.

Just something to point out to you guys... possible spoilers I guess, but...


Ushishishi~>Shashasha or is it shushushu? or shaushaushau?!?!? Seriously, WTF Sil? O.o

Bel>Sil Fran=LMAOness Bel+Fran=ROFLMAOness

'Nuff said. xD

And that concludes my blogging for the day~ :3

Monday, July 27, 2009


(I found this pic, and well... don't you guys think that if you dyed HIBARI's hair a silvery white or something he'd look EXACTLY like ICHIMARU GIN!??!?!? D:< Even though I saved it, it's giving me the creeps!!!)

Just noticed. Reading back on the last post, I noticed that I forgot something really important that could possibly interfere with my plans...

Yush, peoplez. I forgot the...

SCHOOL FACTOR!!!!! D:<<<< Nuuuuuuuz.

And therefore, the "plans" I made will probably be carried out slower than I originally, if I only came up with this earlier or something... ._.

I have a feeling the next chapter of my OHSHC story will be posted today or please be sure to look out.

**EDITED 5:02 PM**

:] #7 of *Kyoya's Sister?!* ~OHSHC~ has been posted. My feelings aren't to be doubted. x]

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What to Expect:

When reading the last paragraph of this entry, you'll understand. [[I do not own]]

Saa~, here's what to expect.

For the *Sensitive* story, I will just continue with the special flashback chapters instead of alternating between the special flashback chapters (let's just call them SFCs) and the real story. At first, I thought that the alternating would be a good idea, but then I also thought of how confused I would probably get after switching between what happened in the past and what's happening "now"...

Next, for *Don't Doubt Yourself*, you shouldn't really expect any updates soon... the next chapter needed messages, and so far, I only got one from Kage-san.

Since that story is going to be...paused until I get the messages I need, I took the chance to start on the next chapter of *Kyoya's Sister?!*, which I've been neglecting for a while, because it was the one that had the least chapters made and I needed to focus on the other stories, and then that added to the "break" I took...

So yeah, expect #7 of *Kyoya's Sister?!* to be posted soon.

As for MMD?PW, I'm going to be drawing that story to an end, but I'll probably post 2 or 3 filler chaps before the last one, so I don't just "suddenly" drop the news on the fans out of nowhere... I'll give a warning at first. If you're wondering "Why end it?", well, to me, the story was dragging out and seemed like it would never end but I came up with something and it wouldn't exactly make Ryoma OOC either.

So then after I finish MMD?PW, I would have... 4 stories (*Sensitive* and the SFCs count as separate series) that fans would expect me to update. Although *DDY* wouldn't be updated very soon it seems by the incoming messages rate... so technically, it's like 3 stories.

And I'll probably would be ending the SFCs by then, or at least be close to, and I will probably create a Fire Emblem: Hasha no Tsurugi story... it's a spin-off manga for the game "Fire Emblem" and even though it's just a spin-off, I want to make a story for it since it's awesome. It would be the first one (story for that spin-off manga, and the first one for a story with an OC in it as well)... And I wouldn't be able to make one for the actual games either since I don't have them. ^.^ The story would probably seem like a mini-series since the manga is kinda short. I would probably have to refer to it again and again (although I remember mostly everything well) since I'll be going by the manga, unlike my other stories.

Ja ne~

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Well, recently I've posted 2 more sections for "Interview Yorukifon"...

Also, during my b-day which is July 20, I found out that it was also Zaizen Hikaru's b-day from Shitenhouji from Prince of Tennis. And then my reaction was something like, "OH SHNAP!" and I decided I would try to make a banner for him tomorrow, meaning today, but I couldn't really find any decent pics, and Kage-san already made one and if I made one, it wouldn't even be close to how awesome hers was.

And then I thought of making a one-shot (probably would be very short though) for Zaizen, but I was kinda and kinda not sure on his personality, and I just recently checked this fanlisting which had a profile kinda thingy on him, and I think I got his personality down and stuff, but I'm still scared since well... I dun wanna suffer the flames saying, "HE WAS OOC!!" etc etc. And also, it's already 1 day late, and it's almost 10:50, so... (XD It also said he was a lefty, which made me cheer for joy, and also that his fav subject was English, which is the same for me. And then also that his worst is Classics, and I don't exactly have a subject called that, but I don't like classics either.)

Maybe I'll do it, maybe I won't... But I DO know that Zaizen needs more love. Seriously, I searched "Zaizen" on Quizilla, and guess what? 7 results. And one was actually a Kenya one-shot. And 2 of them didn't have anything to do with him at all. And one was Kage-san's July PoT b-day banners. So basically, he only had 3 creations for him. 4 if you count a b-day banner. They were all one-shots/drabbles. No series. I can't exactly say I can make a series for him though...

*groan* Aw man, I shoulda chose him for Sabrina-san's story lottery thing so possibly, he could have a mini-series! *bangs head* Dammit, dammit, dammit. So I asked my friend to message Sabrina-san for a chance for Zaizen...

I'll get to trying on that Zaizen one-shot.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Newest Update

Here's a better idea of how Akira looks like. Except, her hair is a darker purple, and her eyes are the same shade as the purple in the picture.

Poll result: 8 voted for yes to having special flashback chapters for the PoT/DN XOver, *Sensitive*. 2 voted for it being my choice, and finally, only 1 voted for me to continue with just regular chapters. So that's 11 voters in all...I'm disappointed, really. I mean, I see polls with at least 30 votes, and then mine's just... 11. It makes me feel like no one even cares about *Sensitive*, ya kno'.

Anyway, the first special flashback chapter is out, 3 days after the poll ended. XD Sorry for the delay. I actually had a feeling that the majority would say yes, so I was getting the chapter ready to post as soon the poll ended, but my brain kinda shut down due to lack of creative juices. XP

The first chapter was about 1,800 words, which is pretty good compared to my other "short" chapters, which averaged 700 or 800 words. I hope you read it and find that you like it! Also, if you haven't read *Sensitive* yet, then please read it! It's a Prince of Tennis and Death Note crossover, but there's no major confusing info from Death Note, so if you're worrying about that, don't worry. I'll try to make it so you can understand it even if you don't know Death Note.

If you Death Note fans are worrying about Kira, then don't. Kira won't be in the story. EVER. Maybe other case criminals, I'm not sure at the moment, but Kira will NOT be in here. I don't feel like having to explain the whole Death Note thing and Kira plot and possibly confuse some of my readers at the same time. And also, I don't watch/read Death Note, but I know the info of the plot, etc. Just...not perfectly.

Thanks for reading,


Monday, July 6, 2009

Japanese Language Learning Programs

#1 is RocketJapanese. #2 is Rosetta Stone. And #3 is Pimlur or something like that.

In my opinion, I agree with RocketJapanese being #1. However, I do not think Rosetta Stone is that great. I'll tell you about the different points (good and bad) about RocketJapanese and Rosetta Stone. I haven't tried Pimlur or whatever it was called, so I can't really say anything about that.

RocketJapanese...well, first of all, it's considered to be #1. But, it's also only $100 for a limited time, and Rosetta Stone is #2, but is $500 for levels 1, 2, and 3 Japanese put together.

In my opinion, RocketJapanese is more fun than Rosetta Stone. In the audio tracks (there's audio tracks [they're downloadable so you can listen to them on your MP3 player or w/e], text lessons, and software-ish games called MegaVocab, MegaAudio, and MegaHiragana. You learn about Kanji, and I think-- Katakana too, so don't worry.) the hosts' voices sound lively so you're not bored. Like you know how sometimes you have those teachers that talk in a drone-voice, and then you get bored and don't pay attention? That's how the voices on Rosetta Stone sound like sometimes. Or maybe I'm hearing wrong.

But anyway, with Rosetta Stone, you just match up pictures with words/phrases/sentences over and over again, which gets boring. At first, it might be ok, but in level 1 Japanese Rosetta Stone, you do that for a section at least 10 times, so it gets annoying. Rosetta Stone also does not really have any English, so it can't really explain things to you.

With RocketJapanese, they still talk in English as well, and they have text lessons where they can explain things to you easier. RocketJapanese helps you learn Japanese in less than 2 months, and I'm pretty sure that's faster than the average time it takes for you to learn the language with Rosetta Stone. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

By the way, I think RocketJapanese focuses more on conversational Japanese, but I think you can focus more on reading/writing characters if you want to.

If I was rating these 2 products, I would rate RocketJapanese 5 stars, and Rosetta Stone 3. However, I'm only taking the FREE 6-day trial for RocketJapanese, so I have yet to talk to my dad about actually buying the whole thing. But I'm hoping I can, because I don't think Rosetta Stone is working for me. It may work for other people though.

I just made a post about this so I could vent out my frustration, I guess, and so that you could see the different points about each program from someone who has experienced them. But to be honest...I don't think I said any bad points about RocketJapanese at all... *sweatdrop* I can't really think of any...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Death Note, Another Note: The Los Angeles B.B. Murder Cases

デス ノーテ (Dessu no-te? But then the last katakana character doesn't match..)
Well, anyway, I got the book! But it was from E-Bay and the condition was "good", so it's not perfect or anything like that... I wanted the new book, not a used one or anything, but nooo~ my brother just goes and gets it. It was only $2 difference, which isn't that bad... this version of the book looks different from the version of it shown on Amazon... I wanted that version cuz it looked cooler. T______T

Oh god, now I'm acting like a selfish brat. SEE LIGHT?!?! SEE WHAT DEATH NOTE DOES TO YOU!?!? HUH, HUH!?

I've always wanted to say that, and now I had a pretty good excuse, don't you think? Well, I'm off to read it so then I won't have to worry about spoilers in the newest chapters of Quirks by 4, a Death Note and Inuyasha crossover on

The L and Misora Naomi picture in the first few pages is so cool!!! *eyes sparkle*

Oh, I finished the novel already! It took me 2 hours at most! Surprisingly, the parts in B.B.'s POV (well, not entirely but kinda) were funny, because he was trying out different evil laughs... O.o

LAST EDITED;; 7/3/09

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Japanese Introduction!

(Uwahhh~, Marui-san looks so cool in this picture. Kudos to who drew it!!!)
はじめまして、るキーちゃん です。よろしく おねがいします!!!

(Hajimemashite, Ruki-chan desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!)

I learned how to type in Japanese with an English keyboard! :D SO happy XD. That introduction was only in Hiragana, not in the full Kanji or anything like that. I only know Hiragana, so... but even though I only know that, I could've put the full Kanji too...

What do you think? It's cool, huh, huh???

Oh, and also, if you're a RL friend, I'll be sending you your b-day party invite (e-mail form) a week before my b-day. So, July 13-19, be sure to check your e-mail! :D Except Tabby, Abby will just tell you since your internet utterly PHAILS. xP