Sunday, September 27, 2009


Latest updates;; Jirou drabble and the final chapter of *KS?!*

Yus, you read that right. FINAL CHAPTER OF *KS?!* IS OUT!!!

Sorry that it wasn't posted last weekend, but things came up and all because of a friend's b-day and I didn't wanna miss out since I haven't seen them in a long time, so yeah. ^^;;

It's had like 17 views but no rates......yet. The thank-you note is out there too.

As for that Jirou was posted last week. Drabbles are short, so I was able to post that last week before all those things came up, but with the final chapter...unfortunately I couldn't do that. But that's a good thing, because I'm pretty sure you didn't want a short final chapter, right? ^^

I hope you guys liked it! >D Oh btw, if you guys got interested in OMGPOP because of those links I put in the last post, my username on there is "Ruki kun"! ^^ I was trying out faking as a guy, but haven't really talked to any strangers, just RL friends on there so yeah... =/

As you would know if you already read the last chapter of *Kyoya's Sister?!*, then there was a request form at the end for a one-shot/drabble relating to the story since it was ended so shortly. ^^ I'm not gonna put it up here though..


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