Friday, September 11, 2009


So today, I started on *Kyoya's Sister?!* ~OHSHC:Hikaru/Kaoru~ #10 FINAL, and I'm pretty sure that it will be out this weekend. So keep a look out please. My latest update was SFC #4 but no one rated at all. Which made me upset, and maybe I forgot to tell in the last chapter of the real *Sensitive* story that I would make the special chapters, but they should've noticed since Sensitive is in the title, right?

But yeah, no rates. No way of telling their opinion of it to me.

Although then I checked the first few chapters of *KS* and saw that the first chapter had over 1,000 views, so that kinda brought my mood up. And it's surprising too, since *KS* is actually the last series I started, so it's a bit weird that the last series I start would have the most views, ya know? But I'm happy about that. ^^
So, *KS* #10 final coming out this weekend, like I had typed in the beginning AN of it so far and in a previous blog post, after I post the final, I'll post a thank-you note to my messengers and eventually, a KaixNagayama FRIENDSHIP one-shot.

Hopefully it will be AT LEAST 1,500 words.

Anyway, enough of talking about my stories, now I'm going to talk about what's been happening in my outside life, my real life besides writing these stories and all that. ^^

Well, so far, the first week of school is over, I totally forgot about my history textbook still being in my locker until we were halfway home, and...

Geometry is pretty easy, but it's to be expected since it's only been a few days. It's also been the only subject I've been getting real homework from actually. Like about 15 problems a day or something like that.

Next week, I'll find out if I have my schedule changed to have Spanish as an elective instead of art [elective wheel]... Last year they didn't have this, but this year, they opened up a full Spanish elective for 8th grade, and I wanted to take it so I could get my foreign language credits for university over with quick, 3 years. So then I'd have 2 years of high school left to get the cooler electives. I don't think taking Spanish in 8th would count towards the foreign language credits for exiting high school or w/e though...but they say 2, and they recommend at least 3. So that would be fine, right?

So yeah, and then for 11th grade maybe I'll have web design or something and then 12th digital art? I dunnos. =P

With Spanish added in my schedule, I'll probably lose some of the 3 or 4 classes I have with other friends, but... =/ They told me to just get it next year, but since I want to take 3 years because that's how many they recommended, that means I'll only have 1 year of a cool high school elective...

But I might NOT have Spanish added into my schedule. I'll just have to see Monday. ^~^ Because my honors geometry class HAS to stick to 4th period, and Spanish can only take up period 1 or 4... maybe something will happen and then... *shrugs* Oh well, like I said before, I'll just have to see on Monday.


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