Thursday, October 8, 2009


.....Haven't posted in a while. Haha. x3

I just read the newest KHR! chapter a bit earlier was pretty funny. >3

Meh................oh! I joined a KHR! contest. :3 I'll be submitting a FranxOCxMammon drabble~.....I already have an idea of how it'll go, but title. I suck at giving titles to my works. Well, there's this one possible title, but sounds lame. So yeah.

Oh yeah. The KHR! contest is hosted by a Quizilla user (uh duh) xmiirareru. Hold on, I'll type out the link. *goes to the page in another tab* ..*few seconds later* Ok got it.

xmiirareru's KHR! contest [[click here for info]] <--- :D And in the next "chapter" is the list of contestants. I dunno when I'll be submitting my entry, but tomorrow I have tests, so I'll probably work on it after finishing my tests early. :3 So that's like....after my Spanish quiz, and after my Language Arts/English quizzes. Which are easy.

...Huh. Doesn't really seem like that'll give me much time. But ehh~ I'm writing a drabble, it'll be short. ^^ I'll probably try to make it 100 words exactly like I usually do. Even though the max word limit for drabble entries of xmiirareru's KHR! contest is 1,000. If it's too long for that, then I'll try to stay to 180 (*cough* The 18...), if not, I'll try to stick to 270 (*cough* the 27~...)

Uhmz.......I don't think there's anything else I need to yeah. :3


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