Tuesday, May 19, 2009

YAY! Testing ish ovah! =3

(For you guys who actually care to check this blog)

...Yay? Testing is over, and I got over with the math part! A few problems had me confused... I'm absolutely sure that I got a score that's in the 'Advanced' section for Language Arts (English), but as for math...not sure.

And tomorrow is when I'll be going on a field trip to Discovery Center... blegh. Shouldn't the Honors Science kids be able to go to the aquarium instead of the regulars?! I mean, no offense, but we do more work, and we deserve it! D= That's the 2nd time I lose a chance to go to the aquarium on a field trip. First time was when I was a 1st grader, but got moved to this 2nd grade class with 5 others, and while I was there, the other 1st graders got to go to the aquarium. It's not fairr~! *wailing*

Do you think I should join Sakurablossom11 (Quizilla)'s PoT contest again? The due date for the oneshot/drabble/songfic/poem is June 17 or something...

Next week- Another field trip! But it's to Knott's! WOOT! And we get to stay there and miss out on the school day and stay there until it closes. :3 Sweetness! >w< And when I say we, I mean the choir and band. I'm in choir. You know what's messed up about the school I'm going to? THERE'S NO FRICKING ORCHESTRA. I mean, a band and no orchestra? That's messed.

Never even wanted to go to it anyway...

That's it, I guess.... I think this is the longest post? :3


  1. Haha, Why not join it again? :3 I got a better character than my first one....but I felt too lazy to actually write it. xD

    Oh and don't worry about the aquarium things. They're in the regular class because their teachers are too lazy to teach (Hence the field trip)[no offense to whomever I'm talking about]

    :o....that's a lot..... :/ meh, well I'm bored anyways.

  2. =D I totally understand...
    Too bad... I really wanted to go to the aquarium.
    *pokes Mirr0's comment*
    Actually, another part of the school is CST-ing and they want to kick us out. Obviously, we are too annoying... True dat! *evil laughter*
    Muahahaha! Muah!

  3. And that math test was a lot harder than I thought it would be... I knew exactly how to do it, but I dunno... the answer wouldn't come out right for a couple of them. I'm sure I scored at least proficient. as for LA testing... I'm almost positive I got nearly 100%.
    I'm Awesome like that. Don't be too jealous! :K

  4. OMG! 4 comments! You are so popular!
    *is tired of posting*

  5. Y R U guys thinking regerlar are unfare?
    We r smat 2!

  6. I didn't mean to be mean to the regulars... *sweatdrop*
