Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gomen, Gomen!

TODAY'S MY FRIEND FROM THE SCHOOL I WENT TO LAST YEAR (GRADES 6-8 and I'm in 7th now) 'S BIRTHDAY!!! WOOT! GIVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO QUENNIE!!! (Not giving last name for her privacy) I made a banner for her, but it had pics of her IRL, so I won't put it on here for once again, privacy. ^.~

Gomen ne! I didn't update yesterday. Yesterday, we went on a field trip to the Discovery Science Center, which I already told you guys about, I think. It was kinda cool, but the aquarium would've been cooler. One of my friends who went to the aquarium also bought a Squirt (from Finding Nemo) plushie! *SQUEE* It was so cute!!

It's like a light blue shell with light purple hexagons or whatever shape on it. And then the rest is light green. It's all my favorite colors on one of my favorite animals!!! AWESOMENESS!!! ^_^

According to my friend, it was $13 though. Geez, that much for a plushy...

After we went to the center, we went to the park nearby...all I really did was play in the sand for about 1 minute and go on the swings for at least 10 minutes. Other than that, I sat at the picnic tables next to the playground. It was pretty awesome.

Today was ok, I can't wait until the weekend and after since we're going to Knott's the day after the weekend + Memorial Day (Holiday so no school)!!! Fun, fun, fun~! *chanting*

This is gonna be awesome once tomorrow passes!! ^.^ Because then there's the Awards Night where the choir performs again, and another as the very last concert we'll be performing in this school year. But the things in between..... =l
Ja ne~! Is this the longest post? I'm not sure.

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