Thursday, May 28, 2009

OMG MIA!!! ...not anymore. :3

(You'll see why I put the pic of Hatsuharu there....)

Sorry for being MIA for a week. I was telling you about how we were GOING TO Knott's and stuff, but I didn't yet tell you what I did there...

To be honest, I didn't go on many rides, but rather, went on them a lot. xDDD Like...bumper cars we were there 2 or 3 times. The Hat Dance (teacups) ...made me feel sick, and in total, I went on there about 9 or 10 times. I only went on Dragonswing one time... @_@ I didn't know it was going to swing THAT high!! D= I swear!

Bigfoot Rapids was da pwnage of the whole thing, dude. Pretty close to the Hat Dance. xDD The Log Ride was okay, I guess... If you're whining about how lame I am for not going on "real" rides, well, sorry for having a fear of heights!! D= And as you know, practically all roller coasters deal with great heights, so...yeah.

We also went to the arcade... you know those games with the claw and all those plushies inside? There was one with a whole bunch of cutie cow plushies!! =O **HATSUHARU :D xD** But the stupid thing was a scam and I didn't get one even after at least 7 tries... One other person got it, but it was only because me and my friend got one halfway over the edge of where it's supposed to drop. :[ And she got another plushie too... meanie.

I wanted one so bad, I'm pretty sure I was pissing off my friend that tried to help me get one so much... :/ But I'm okay, it's just a cow plushie. ...that could resemble Hatsuharu ... BLEH! xD Well, if my friends read this, they'll know what to get me for a B-Day present...

Cuz you see, my b-day's coming up, and I'll have my first real b-day party ever... (well, there was one before, which was after a half of my current life, didn't really have all my friends or anything like that. So I don't consider it to be "real".) I said that I didn't mind if I didn't get a present, but I would like it if I did get one... And my friends were all saying how hard it would be to find a present for me... It's not THAT hard to find a gift for me, is it?! D=< I should like, give them a list of all the things I like or something... :] If anyone is wondering BTW, my b-day is July 20. Now, I'm hoping I don't get egged... wait, it's during the summer. YES!! No one can egg me at school! (They actually do that, and teachers don't do sh*t about it.) SUPER LONG POST DUE TO MY MIA-NESS!!! =]

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gomen, Gomen!

TODAY'S MY FRIEND FROM THE SCHOOL I WENT TO LAST YEAR (GRADES 6-8 and I'm in 7th now) 'S BIRTHDAY!!! WOOT! GIVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO QUENNIE!!! (Not giving last name for her privacy) I made a banner for her, but it had pics of her IRL, so I won't put it on here for once again, privacy. ^.~

Gomen ne! I didn't update yesterday. Yesterday, we went on a field trip to the Discovery Science Center, which I already told you guys about, I think. It was kinda cool, but the aquarium would've been cooler. One of my friends who went to the aquarium also bought a Squirt (from Finding Nemo) plushie! *SQUEE* It was so cute!!

It's like a light blue shell with light purple hexagons or whatever shape on it. And then the rest is light green. It's all my favorite colors on one of my favorite animals!!! AWESOMENESS!!! ^_^

According to my friend, it was $13 though. Geez, that much for a plushy...

After we went to the center, we went to the park nearby...all I really did was play in the sand for about 1 minute and go on the swings for at least 10 minutes. Other than that, I sat at the picnic tables next to the playground. It was pretty awesome.

Today was ok, I can't wait until the weekend and after since we're going to Knott's the day after the weekend + Memorial Day (Holiday so no school)!!! Fun, fun, fun~! *chanting*

This is gonna be awesome once tomorrow passes!! ^.^ Because then there's the Awards Night where the choir performs again, and another as the very last concert we'll be performing in this school year. But the things in between..... =l
Ja ne~! Is this the longest post? I'm not sure.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

YAY! Testing ish ovah! =3

(For you guys who actually care to check this blog)

...Yay? Testing is over, and I got over with the math part! A few problems had me confused... I'm absolutely sure that I got a score that's in the 'Advanced' section for Language Arts (English), but as for math...not sure.

And tomorrow is when I'll be going on a field trip to Discovery Center... blegh. Shouldn't the Honors Science kids be able to go to the aquarium instead of the regulars?! I mean, no offense, but we do more work, and we deserve it! D= That's the 2nd time I lose a chance to go to the aquarium on a field trip. First time was when I was a 1st grader, but got moved to this 2nd grade class with 5 others, and while I was there, the other 1st graders got to go to the aquarium. It's not fairr~! *wailing*

Do you think I should join Sakurablossom11 (Quizilla)'s PoT contest again? The due date for the oneshot/drabble/songfic/poem is June 17 or something...

Next week- Another field trip! But it's to Knott's! WOOT! And we get to stay there and miss out on the school day and stay there until it closes. :3 Sweetness! >w< And when I say we, I mean the choir and band. I'm in choir. You know what's messed up about the school I'm going to? THERE'S NO FRICKING ORCHESTRA. I mean, a band and no orchestra? That's messed.

Never even wanted to go to it anyway...

That's it, I guess.... I think this is the longest post? :3

Monday, May 18, 2009

CST Testing

Today, I did the Language Arts part of the testing. The first half of it I finished in either 15 or 20 minutes, and the same for the second half. But in all we had a total amount of time of 2 hours and 40 minutes...

Psh, I'm just awesome like that. Kidding. It's only because it's Language Arts. I would take forever to do the math part. Having to fill in those bubbles was annoying...

Oh, you know that vertebrate project I was talking about? I finished it today. =D Oh and since I had a lot of free time during the testing, I started this Fruits Basket/Naruto crossover, but I don't know why since I don't even know the jutsus. So far I wrote 812 words... (I got tired of writing, and I was seriously that bored to try counting.) Hence the picture at top. :3

Sunday, May 17, 2009

OMGNESS!!! ...kidding.

Okay, so like, dudes. LOL. I'm at my cousins' house on my mom's laptop... for a grandmother's death anniversary.

So cheery, huh?

Well, I'm trying to work on that vertebrate project I was talking about...kinda hard since I don't really have a table, but I'll deal with it.

I'm just reading over the stories I've already posted...kinda just looking over what I did wrong after experience, ya know?

Well, that's it for today, unless I post something later again. Bye~!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

New News! (xD That sounds funny!)

Well, anyways... I won't be posting or updating any stories until summer break for me. And that starts on June 19th, if you're wondering. Maybe you'll do a countdown or something, I dunno.

I might be posting a one-shot/drabble before summer break for Sakurablossoms11's contest, but I'm not sure about that.

I'm working on this vertebrate project, and I'm almost half-way done! And it's due next week. :P

I guess that's it...

Ways to contact me: Quizilla,, <-- All with the same username. Yorukifon